Global Warming Is A Scam
(too old to reply)
2023-05-07 08:30:31 UTC
Democrats are all stupid and fall for bullshit.
JACKSON — A hoax is a humorous or malicious deception. A scam is a
dishonest scheme or swindle. It’s a hoax for profit. Hoaxes have made
fools of the unwary, and scams have taken unwitting victims for a long
time. How do you avoid getting taken?

Cicero asked, “Cui bono?” (Who benefits?) Today you should ask: What’s the
hustle and who’s the mark? If you are in a rigged game and don’t know who
the mark is, it’s probably you. But what if you are in a rigged game and
don’t know it’s rigged?

Say the hustle is there’s an imminent global catastrophe and you have to
do something or stop doing something (such as using fossil fuels) for the
good of humanity. Beautiful people, experts, the media, politicians and
other shills are virtue signaling for it. You might think they know
something you don’t.

But you see the sky isn’t falling. And they aren’t doing what they want
you to do. So you wonder, Is global warming a hoax? A scam? Looks like

Global warming, aka climate change, is the idea that the earth’s climate
is warming or changing unnaturally due to human activities — specifically
the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

The argument is that burning fossil fuel creates carbon dioxide or CO2
(true). And that as this gas increases in the atmosphere it increases a
greenhouse effect that reduces outgoing energy radiation to space (true),
and the “trapped energy” causes the earth’s temperature to rise
(theoretically true). And that the rate of increase is unnatural (too
fast) and the higher temperature is undesirable.

This implies that there is a natural slower rate of temperature increase
(untrue) and an optimum earth temperature that all can agree on
(doubtful). And that humans can control it (untrue).

The temperature increase attributable to increased CO2 is small, hard to
measure and impossible to isolate from changes due to other variables.
That’s because CO2 is only .04% of the atmosphere, and there are many
other natural causes of temperature and climate changes.

Geologic records show wide variations in climate and temperature. Recorded
temperature measurements show wider natural variations than recent
increases that have alarmed global warmers. And those increases have
slowed. So alarmists now hype climate change and equate it with weather
events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, rainfall, droughts, heat waves, cold
spells, and with natural disasters such as locust swarms, plagues and
contagions, real or hyped.

Former Vice President Al Gore is one of the loudest shills for the
greenhouse effect. In 2006, he produced “An Inconvenient Truth” video,
which correlated CO2 in ancient ice cores with temperature and showed that
temperature was higher when CO2 was higher. He therefore said: Higher CO2
causes higher temperatures. And started the global warming catastrophe
industry for profit. Cui bono? Professional Chicken Littles.

It didn’t matter that the ice cores showed that the rise in temperature
preceded the rise in CO2 by hundreds of years. So careful observers say:
Higher temperatures cause higher CO2. The former VP ignored this
inconvenient truth and made sky-will-fall predictions. Icebergs would
melt, sea levels would rise, coastal cities would flood unless governments
acted to reduce CO2 emissions. Cui bono? Big government in partnership
with green energy.

Others joined in to promote the scam and to share the profits from
government-mandated solutions to imaginary problems. There are lots of
scammers in federal and state agencies. Also in Congress and in state
legislatures, which create, fund and abdicate their legislative
responsibilities to those agencies (which become law into themselves).
Also in presidents and governors who appoint global warming and green
energy zealots to run the agencies. And who promote projects like Kemper
to make the oceans stop rising and to spin straw into gold — or lignite
into natural gas.

And to enrich their political supporters and corporate cronies. Cui bono?
Politicians and their supporters.

The state agency that regulates Mississippi’s electric utility monopolies
is the Public Service Commission. Its 2:1 hand-picked Republican majority
approved the $2 billion Kemper experiment in 2012 instead of a $700
million natural gas plant using proved technology.

It didn’t work. Its cost ballooned to $7 billion-plus. Following the 2015
election, two new commissioners voted with the hold-over commissioner to
kill it. Mississippi Power and its parent wrote off more than $6 billion
and the customers pay for an extra $600 million or so to convert the plant
to natural gas. Could have been worse.

Could have been better, too — if the PSC had done its job.

• Kelley Williams, a Greenwood native, is chairman of Bigger Pie Forum, a
Jackson-based think tank promoting free markets and government efficiency.

You fell for it
2023-05-07 08:35:35 UTC
Democrats are ignorant and ignore science.
In the 1970’s various articles, particularly Time Magazine’s June 24, 1974
issue, “Another Ice Age” and Newsweek’s April 28, 1975, “The Cooling
World” led Americans to believe the earth was “cooling” and that we may
die from frigid ice. However, as the temperatures of the earth goes in
cycles and began to warm, a new generation was led to believe in “global
warming” through a documentary film by Al Gore called, “Inconvenient
Truth.” Inconvenient Truth happened to be a convenient lie to advance the
Democrat agenda and deceive the world with false data alleging the earth
was warming due to manmade carbon dioxide (CO2). Instead, Al Gore flew on
his private jet lecturing Americans and made millions as all the
predictions of the polar ice caps melting, Miami disappearing and other
predictions were false and never happened.

While Democrats were trying to deceive Americans (and the world) that
anyone who opposed them were “anti-environment” and against the “Saving
the Earth” campaign, leaked emails on November 21, 2009 from the Hadley
Climate Change Unit revealed data was intentionally falsified to support
global warming when, in reality, the earth began to cool again.

Since “Global Cooling” and “Global Warming” were giving the Democrats head
fakes, a new neutral term of “Climate Change” had to be used to advance
their socialist agenda, which was supported by news corporations like NBC,
who gave favorable coverage to the Democrat agenda since NBC is owned by
General Electric and would benefit from the advancement of alternative-
energy contracts.

With Democrats now in control, the “Green New Deal” is their 3 trillion
dollar dream to regulate Americans and redistribute American wealth to the
world to remove capitalism and American greatness toward world equality.
Democrats have proposed another couple trillion in the name of
infrastructure, which most has nothing to do with infrastructure. Only 25
percent is designated toward infrastructure while the remaining 75 percent
are more Democrat climate change handouts. Biden rejoined the Paris-
Climate Accord despite America cutting more CO2 during President Trump’s
term than any country in the treaty according to Forbes due to increased
natural gas and American independence. While emissions were reduced in
America, China and India were higher. As a result of Biden joining the
Paris-Climate Accord, the Washington Examiner reported by 2025 America
will lose 2.7 million jobs as Biden has already axed thousands of jobs
already with Executive Orders to push the Democrat Climate Change scam.

Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, which seeks
to educate the public about the important contributions carbon dioxide
makes to our lives and the economy, stated there is no evidence of “any
atmospheric CO2 levels being reduced” and agrees the earth naturally goes
through natural cooling and warming cycles.

Now I am all for clean air, clean water, picking up our trash, and taking
care of the earth God has provided us; but this is not the goal of those
who support Climate Change. Their goal is advancing the Democrat
globalization agenda through worldwide socialism. They believe America is
imperialistic and its wealth must be redistributed to other counties. This
is why Democrats despise American greatness. At the same time, Democrats
and their media lapdogs have set the narrative they are the ones who care
about the environment. They believe Americans must give up their own
energy resources and jobs and sacrifice their freedoms to save the planet.
They believe a global tax and government regulations of what we drive or
what we spend on energy is necessary even if Americans need to sacrifice
warmth for food and medicine due to coming inflation. They have even
floated extreme ideas to remove air travel and exterminate cattle.
Nothing is beyond their reach or their desired control.

While these government elites push a false narrative to have Americans
conform to Climate Change, they continue to live their lives in luxury as
the “do what I say; but not as I do” Democrats. An example of this is
Biden’s Climate czar, John Kerry, who took a private jet to pick up an
environmental award, calling it the “only choice for someone like me”
while promoting the Democrat Climate Change scam.

Frank Aquila is president of the San Joaquin Stanislaus Conservative
Patriots. He can be emailed at ***@yahoo.com or followed on
Magabook @FrankAquila

Science Stupid
2023-05-07 08:50:44 UTC
Climatists have their heads up their asses.
"Man-caused global warming is the biggest scam perpetrated against society
since time began," says Jay Lehr, science director for the Heartland
Institute. "The whole concept behind climate change is fear and control."

When you explore the facts, ice core samples for the last 900,000 years,
and records from the last 5,000 years, Lehr explains the global climate
has meandered through fairly predictable 1,500-year cycles of warming and

"The whole scam is based on mathematical models," Lehr explains. He adds
none of those models anticipated nor accounted for the global cooling in
2007 that basically erased the 100 years of global warming preceding it.

Lehr has studied global climate change for more than three decades. He"s
an internationally renowned speaker, scientist and author who has
testified before Congress on more than three dozen occasions on
environmental issues and consulted with nearly every agency of the federal
government and with many foreign countries. More than that, he sounds
downright normal.

Lehr was a featured speaker at the recent annual convention of the Texas
and Southwest Cattle Raiser"s Association.

You"ve heard plenty about the much-publicized revelation of e-mails in
November that called into serious question the credibility of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and scientists behind the

