Trump's Followers Suffer & Die of The TrumpFlu, There is a Lesson To Be Learned
(too old to reply)
Dave Cross
2021-04-03 01:48:11 UTC
The Christian Right Becomes A Suicide Cult
And still waiting for God to intervene in the abortion debate on behalf of
the religious crazies, unless he's pro-abortion already.
Dave Cross
2021-04-12 12:20:01 UTC
The Christian Right Becomes A Suicide Cult
And still waiting for God to intervene in the abortion debate on behalf of
the religious crazies, unless he's pro-abortion already.
Dave Cross
2021-05-25 21:12:41 UTC
The Christian Right Becomes A Suicide Cult
And still waiting for God to intervene in the abortion debate on behalf of
the religious crazies, unless he's pro-abortion already.
Boudin Nazi Recalled
2022-06-08 06:01:05 UTC
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the religious
liberty implications of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on sexual
God would do something about this but he
helps those who help themselves. You know what that means.
It't on us to get rid of the queers and their supporters.
tesla sTinker
2022-08-06 18:33:06 UTC
Post by Dave Cross
The Christian Right Becomes A Suicide Cult
And still waiting for God to intervene in the abortion debate on behalf of
the religious crazies, unless he's pro-abortion already.
your just another ass hole that believes liars.

The stench of Obama is Koch Industries, Of course, Biden
the bribe artist. The reason for the war in Ukraine.
Not to mention, the end of the Crook that stolen the US
Treasury currency, while his counter part Koch Brothers,
Kills people by selling toxins to them calling it called fuel to
warm their homes with.!!! True Story. Those same toxins being
captilized on as a influenza virus, same symptons, while the sales of
the Petroleum Coke Industry fuel supply rises in multiple
sales multiple country's, with multiple deaths throughout the world yes,
Toxic, Of course the CDC lied about it, they were paid
off to do so. And since influenza is real, makes it all the more
confusing to the public. Toxins being much worse, than a virus yes.

That part, would be obvious.
All these men involved, will be charged with murder 1 including
the so called fake president, because it is not possible that he could
of run for office at all, cause of the theft of office bribe he did to
Ukraine, under the true laws of this the United States. ITs Against the
law period.....
This is what Trump was bitching about in the very begin....!!! Yes,
Trump was correct of course about that...

OF his opponent. Not that he knew what to do about it, he did not.
Twitter was also paid off, to make false accusations against a president
of the United States, which is likely that he was a real president yes,
even if he is also a gangster with mistakes. Biden be far worse, than a
Trump president of course. Murderer same as Koch, The fact sheet, that
they did their best to douse the US treasury yes and entire public, with
Him and Koch Industries, is enough to dismantle both their entire bank
accounts, and all real estate belonging to them, , elimination of their
company also, called Koch Brothers, given the money back to its
rightful owners of other companys purchase by them,
their so called fake businesses. That would include all of the Kochs
currency and real estate yes, That was, extremely illegal made money yes.

Petroleum Coke is no different then selling a baby poison to a baby to
eat. FACT...

Koch Industries and Biden and his son, being the guilty party of a war
in Ukraine, under another problem called communist rule. Valdimir
Putin, , yes, that would make Biden a two faced communist,
waiting to start the digging in Ukraine for pet coke, to further the
killing of babys, and the worlds population. To dig up, yes, more
poison for baby's. Stupid babys, that have no intent, of exercising the
US Constitution Law including the other murderers that sit behind those
seats in the UN, and the Supreme Court thieves of $$$$ All those
judges, poop, should be tried for murder one, not just the Biden Bush
Koch scandal of 911.
Buy the presidency. OF course, Obama is a part of it as well.

Its time for the real trial of 911. For the third world trade center
tower was in Berlin. The currency, transferred of. Then hid in swiss
bank accounts for the whole operations. And new news to the public is,
Influenza is not for sale, neither is the United States. This
especially is infiltrated in the op system everyone uses. Time to get
rid of windows.

You loose Biden. So does all the rest of your family. Your busted.
So no matter how many votes you got china to steal, it does not matter.
We know the truth. You cannot hold a fake office and cannot run for one
also fact. Period. Only a man as dishonest as you, would of sat in the
chair not calling for a reelect of president and a recount of votes. We
now know why. Bribes, Caution Ukraine, they want to kill your population
with coal and Pet Coke toxin, baby poison... Runny nose, Coughing
sneezing Asthma, Cardiac problems, Nervous cell depletion, etc etc etc
Cancer, No, its not a virus. Much worse.
