Jolly Kone Bans Rudy Until He Cures His Clap
(too old to reply)
Keith Meeny
2023-07-27 21:23:45 UTC
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]
[subject line vandalism by squat-to-piss communist cocksucker
On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy
— *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a
golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has
*NEVER* been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss
shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — *capitulated* and *submitted* to
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:47:40 -0500, super70s says...
Always the chiseler. But that doesn't stop Hartung from supporting
I'd let him hold the rally, it'll help Biden carry Pennsylvania
You mean it will help each Democrat voters
"each Democrat voters" — you illiterate fuck.
carry at least 3 ballots to the ballot and mail box, again.
Never happened
Yes it did.
Governor Swill
2023-07-28 08:14:36 UTC
Post by Keith Meeny
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]
[subject line vandalism by squat-to-piss communist cocksucker
On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy
— *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a
golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has
*NEVER* been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss
shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — *capitulated* and *submitted* to
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:47:40 -0500, super70s says...
Always the chiseler. But that doesn't stop Hartung from supporting
I'd let him hold the rally, it'll help Biden carry Pennsylvania
You mean it will help each Democrat voters
"each Democrat voters" — you illiterate fuck.
carry at least 3 ballots to the ballot and mail box, again.
Never happened
Yes it did.
Sore loser.


Inflation is already at Fed target.

It is below the long term historical average.

Unemployment remains low at under 4%.

Fed cuts have not pushed us into a recession.

Interest rates remain in historical low range.

The housing market is hot.

Manufacturing is hot.

"Comeback in Factory Jobs Appears to Be for Real"

"Unpacking the Boom in U.S. Construction of Manufacturing Facilities"

Is manufacturing growing in the US?

"U.S. manufacturing growth outpaces the rest of the world

"It was negative for nearly the entire range, reaching a minimum of -8% in late 2021
before increasing to become positive in September 2022. In November 2022 it was 0.26%.
American manufacturing growth started outpacing the rest of the world's growth at the end
of last year for the first time in recent memory.Mar 7, 2023"


Send money!

